구루마야마고원 스키장


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The seven ski areas around the Kurumayama Highlands boast 80% clear days and the 360-degree panorama vista provides views of Mt. Fuji, the Japanese Alps, Mount Asama and Yatsugatake. The high elevation means great skiing conditions, and the area is known for its long, dependable season (typically from early December to early April). Convenient access to both the Chuo and Joshin-etsu Expressways.

주소 치노시(茅野市) Kitayama 3413 Map
TEL 0266-68-2626
FAX 0266-68-2360
Mail skypark@kurumayama.co.jp
URL http://www.kurumayama.com/e/
시간 Weekdays 8:30 - 16:45, Weekends & Holidays 7:30 - 16:45 and 17:45 - 20:45
Usage fee One-day ticket for adults : 4,300엔 Children : 2,600엔
기간 Dec 5 - Apr 5

Access and Parking


전철:JR중앙본선 Chino역 하차 bus ride 60분
JR호쿠리쿠(나가노)신칸센 Saku-daira역 하차 bus ride 90분
자동차:스와(諏訪)IC 28km / 50분
사쿠(佐久)IC 40km / 90분


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